Il 26 aprile alle ore 12, seminario al centro di ricerca BIogem col professor Vincenzo Barone. Nell'ambito degli approfondimenti culturali e scientifici Unità di ricerca scienzaa e società, il Direttore della Normale di Pisa sarà ad Ariano per parlare di Linguaggi comuni per sistemi complessi: nuovi ponti attraverso antiche frontiere. Vincenzo Barone was born in Ancona, Italy on November 8, 1952. After graduating in chemistry (1976, summa cum laude), he continued his formation at the Universities of Marseille, Grenoble,Paris, Erlangen-Nurenberg, Montreal and Berkeley. In 1982 he became Associate Professor and in 1994 Full Professor in Physical Chemistry at the Federico II University of Naples. Since 2008 he is Full Professor in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry at the “Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS)” of Pisa. From September 2016 he has been appointed as Director of SNS.The main research interests of Vincenzo Barone are related to a theoretical microscopic approach for the study of structural, dynamic, electronic and spectroscopic properties of complex systems, as well as of their reactivity. The scientific activity has been accompanied by an intense and incessant efforts in promoting the role of chemistry in Italy, both in relation to other disciplinary communities and with respect to the more generally public perception. As a more recent example of openness to other communities, just mention the realization, a SNS of the DreamsLab Centre, the virtual reality laboratory headed by Prof. Barone, which includes a virtual “microscope” and “telescope”, based on 3D Cave Automatic Virtual Environment technology, capable of enabling interactive manipulation of virtual “objects” ranging from the cosmological to the molecular scales. The approaches of virtual reality are in fact a fertile ground of junction with the humanities, another traditional area of excellence within the SNS, such as with applications for the reconstruction of archaeological contexts.
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